In the face of the worsening effects of climate change, increasing energy prices in South Africa, and a more challenging business environment, companies have been left with no choice but to improve their operations and strive to become more energy efficient. The South African National Energy Development Institute’s (SANEDI) Barry Bredenkamp explains that this trend is demonstrated by the increased number of Section 12L Energy Efficiency tax incentive applications the Institute has received since March 2020.
The Residential Energy Consumption project is focused around the collection of residential energy consumption data. This data is based upon the types of electrical appliances and their end-use by individuals within the different Living Standard Measure (LSM) across South Africa. The appliance end-use data utilised within the Long-range Energy Alternatives Planning (LEAP) model for analysis, enabling policy makers with a better understanding and visibility of residential energy side. Furthermore, this project supports aspects of the review of the National Energy Efficiency Strategy (NEES) targets, together with the National Standards & Labelling Programme (S&L) impact assessment.