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Energy Efficiency



Load shedding focussed South Africans on the need to monitor their electricity consumption and plan efficient usage and it appears that some people have gone back to the idea of ‘I’ll just pay’. Recently however, load shedding threats have resurfaced and rolling blackouts are an ever increasing possibility, whilst the price of electricity is likely going to continue to be increased at double-digit figures for at least the next five years, as Eskom struggles to recoup its losses.

South Africa relies on coal for about 90% of its energy input, resulting in a large amount of carbon dioxide emissions. This pollution, concentrated around the power ENERGY EFFICIENCY ENERGY EFFICIENCY stations mainly in the Mpumalanga area, is not caused by the power stations alone but by all South Africans, as they are generating the pollution through their excessive use of coal-based energy. These emissions contribute to the changing climate patterns we are now seeing develop in South Africa – climate change is a reality today, not some time in the distant future. Every kilogram of coal burnt releases approximately one kilogram of carbon dioxide.


Digitisation enables buildings to become ‘smart’. Lights only operate when someone is there; air conditioners are central yet create climate zones for differing comfort levels; banks of computers or other machines can be ‘put to sleep’ after a period of non-activity; lifts only switch on lights when called; underground carparks remain dark until movement occurs and so the list goes on.

However, these building management systems (BMS) are not just for the office building; there are smaller versions, available locally, that can be wired into one’s home’s distribution board. These can be used to shut down what the industry refers to as ‘vampire loads’, all the plugs with indicator lights that are not in use but on standby, any appliance using clocks or readouts when not in use; these can be put into ‘sleep’ mode.

Funanani Netshitomboni
Acting Communications And Stakeholder Engagement Lead
Wendy Jali
Project Support
Ashanti Mogosetsi
Ashanti Mogosetsi
Project Manager - Appliance Standards And Labelling
Kabelo Modingoana
Project Officer
Mr Barry Bredekamp
Barry Bredenkamp
General Manager
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Tax Incentives

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse non justo hendrerit, pellentesque justo quis, posuere arcu. Vestibulum non nisi sed ligula pellentesque mollis. Suspendisse potenti. Curabitur sed felis nibh. Curabitur vel odio viverra, malesuada mauris hendrerit, tincidunt nulla. Sed nec interdum arcu. Nunc lobortis mauris dignissim, fringilla est vel,  felis nibh.  read more

energy efficiency
Energy Performance Certificates

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse non justo hendrerit, pellentesque justo quis, posuere arcu. Vestibulum non nisi sed ligula pellentesque mollis. Suspendisse potenti. Curabitur sed felis nibh. Curabitur vel odio viverra, malesuada mauris hendrerit, tincidunt nulla. Sed nec interdum arcu. Nunc lobortis mauris dignissim, fringilla est vel, faucibus ante. read more

Cool Surfaces

The Cool Surfaces Project began as a collaboration between the South African and United States of America’s respective Departments of Energy under the Clean Energy Ministerial. The Cool Surfaces Project is the response to South Africa’s need for an energy passive, low cost, low maintenance cooling technology for buildings  read more

Energy efficiency
ESCo Market Development

The South African National Energy Development Institute (SANEDI) in collaboration with the Department of Energy and the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) have established a national register for Energy Service Companies (ESCo register). The ESCo register is an important tool to facilitate the market development and growth of ESCo’s in South Africa and will be utilized by both the public  read more …

Standard & Labelling

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse non justo hendrerit, pellentesque justo quis, posuere arcu. Vestibulum non nisi sed ligula pellentesque mollis. Suspendisse potenti. Curabitur sed felis nibh. Curabitur vel odio viverra, malesuada mauris hendrerit, tincidunt nulla. Sed nec interdum arcu. Nunc lobortis mauris dignissim, fringilla est vel, faucibus ante. read more …

Barry Bredenkamp
General Manager

[email protected]

Denise Lundall
Project Officer - Cool Surface Project

[email protected]

Wendy Jali
Project Support

[email protected]

Kabelo Modingoana
Project Officer

[email protected]

Ashanti Mogosetsi
Project Manager - Appliance Standards And Labelling

[email protected]

Funanani Netshitomboni
Acting Communications And Stakeholder Engagement Lead

[email protected]

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